Who's On B Flat and Hammond Street Senior Center

On Thursday, December 4, 2014 the Who's On B Flat quartet entained the good folks at the Hammond Street Senior Center in Bangor with an afternoon of music. The B Flats sang a collection of good old Barbershop songs and a variety of Christmas songs to the delight of the gathered members in the living room atmosphere. As you can see in the attached photo of the quartet, even old Johnny, the resident cat of the Center,stopped by and said hello. He only stayed a short time to have his ears rubbed a bit and then made off to his favorite spot in the bulilding......the kitchen. He weighs almost as much as the Flats Baritone.

Lead Peter Corey got the folks in a festive Christmas mood by getting them to sing Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer and Frosty The Snowman with I might say, some made up words to the song in places where blanks were starting to appear. Good fun and laughter by all.