Who's On B Flat Delivering a Singing Valentine

The quartet Who's On B Flat completed another successful two day event of delivering Singing Valentines in the greater Bangor area on February 13th and14th. The recipients received two great old Barbershop love songs, a small box of chocolates and red rose to put a big smile on their face and yes sometimes a bit of tear in the eye. Most folks had no idea why we were there at first but soon realized that someone cared enough for them, to give a most unusual valentine gift. Lots of smiles and happy faces were seen these two beautiful sunny days in February. At least for those two days the snow storms took a different route to the Atlantic. The B Flats would like to thank WABI TV and their staff for all their help in promoting this fun activity in our region of the state. If you missed out this year in giving your special someone a most unusual valentine gift, fill out the contact form on the front page of our website by clicking on the menu heading Contact. We will contact you next January and set up a scheduled time when we can help you in the most unusual surprise valentine gift. See you next year and remember to Keep the Whole World Singing.